Frequently Asked Questions


Q: What sort of clients do you represent?

A: The largest single segment of my clients are affluent retired or semi-retired self-employed business owners or former business owners. I also work with some current business owners and highly compensated executives.

Q: What's the most important advice you can give your clients?

A: That value without values is valueless. By that I mean that no matter what you do for your loved ones financially it is useless and everything you worked a lifetime to accumulate will be LOST within two or three generations unless you can also teach your loved ones the principles of true wealth. True Wealth Defined.

Q: What's the most important advice you give your clients about investing?

A: NOTHING is forever. When interest rates and inflation were high back in the 1980's, many people and most of the "talking heads" on television said it was FOREVER. When the Savings and Loan collapse and RTC "dumping" of real estate foreclosures knocked the bottom out of the real estate market many experts said "real estate may come back some day but not in THIS century". When the stock market soared in the 1990's many expected permanent annual double digit returns FOREVER. The stock market pull back of the new millennium resulted in common belief of decades of decline. The fact is nothing is forever, except change. Change is unpredictable, but change is constant, ongoing, permanent.


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